《OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes》成为英雄吧英文版,第1/2/3季,全108集,1080P高清视频带英文字幕,百度网盘下载!

《OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes》成为英雄吧英文版,第1/2/3季,全108集,1080P高清视频带英文字幕,百度网盘下载!插图


《OK K.O.!英雄赞》是卡通频道旗下,由Ian Jones-Quartey创作的美国超级英雄喜剧动画。该系列于2016年2月4日在卡通频道的YouTube频道上首播。 2017年3月9日卡通频道正式宣布推出其动画系列,片头曲故事板由Studio Trigger的联合创始人日本艺术家今石洋之绘制。

故事讲述拥有共同英雄梦的好朋友欢聚在一起,聚焦“帅不过三秒”的小英雄K.O.的成长故事。 未来时空里,有一座名为“雷伍德”购物广场,喜欢收集战斗力卡的小英雄K.O.和擅长忍者格斗术的紫发女巫,拥有悬浮力的肌肉男工作在其中一间商店里。他们为了成为世界最伟大的英雄,不断提升自我,并努力制止敌人摧毁他们最爱的购物广场。

01 Let’s Be Heroes
02 Let’s Be Friends
03 You’re Everybody’s Sidekick
04 We Messed Up
05 Jethro’s All Yours
06 You’re Level 100!
07 Sibling Rivalry
08 I Am Dendy
09 Do You Have Any More in the Back?
10 My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad
11 You Get Me
12 You Are Rad
13 Just Be a Pebble
14 Presenting Joe Cuppa
15 We’ve Got Pests
16 Legends of Mr. Gar
17 Know Your Mom
18 We’re Captured
19 Face Your Fears
20 Everybody Likes Rad?
21 You Have to Care
22 Plaza Prom
23 Second First Date
24 One Last Score
25 T.K.O.
26 Stop Attacking the Plaza
27 We’ve Got Fleas
28 No More Pow Cards
29 A Hero’s Fate
30 Let’s Have a Stakeout
31 K.O.’s Video Channel
32 Rad Likes Robots
33 The Power Is Yours!
34 Glory Days
35 Plazalympics
36 We Got Hacked
37 Parents Day
38 Back in Red Action
39 Let’s Take a Moment
40 Villains’ Night Out
41 Villains’ Night In
42 Let’s Watch the Pilot
43 Mystery Science Fair 201X
44 RMS & Brandon’s First Episode
45 Lad & Logic
46 OK Dendy! Let’s Be K.O.!
47 Plaza Shorts
48 Let’s Not Be Skeletons
49 Action News
50 The Perfect Meal
51 Hope This Flies
52 You’re In Control

01 Seasons Change
02 Lord Cowboy Darrell
03 Plaza Film Festival
04 Be a Team
05 My Fair Carol
06 Lets Watch the Boxmore Show
07 Your World is an Illusion
08 The So Bad ical
09 Point to the Plaza
10 TKOs House
11 Red Action to the Future
12 Dendys Power
13 Special Delivery
14 Wisdom Strength and Charisma
15 Bittersweet Rivals
16 Are You Ready for Some Megafootball
17 Mystery Sleepover
18 Crossover Nexus
19 Monster Party
20 Super Black Friday
21 Final Exams
22 Carolquest
23 Soda Genie
24 Plaza Alone
25 Boxman Crashes
26 All in the Villainy
27 Sidekick Scouts
28 Whacky Jaxxyz
29 Project Ray Way
30 I Am Jethro
31 GarQuest
32 Gar Trains Punching Judy
33 Beach Episode
34 OK A U
35 K O s Health Week
36 Rads Alien Sickness
37 Dark Plaza

01 We Are Heroes
02 KO, Rad, and Enid!
03 TKO Rules!
04 Chip’s Damage
05 K.O. vs. Fink
06 The K.O. Trap
07 Whatever Happened to… Rippy Roo?
08 Planet X
09 Deep Space Vacation
10 Let’s Meet Sonic
11 Big Reveal
12 Radical Rescue
13 Let’s Get Shadowy
14 You’re a Good Friend, KO
15 Red Action 3: Grudgment Day
16 Carl
17 Dendy’s Video Channel
18 Let’s Fight to the End
19 Thank You for Watching the Show



可玩星球收录的动画片《成为英雄吧 OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes》第1季全52集,单集大小245M左右、第2季全37集,单集大小245M左右、第3季全19集,单集大小450M左右。[可以下载后,使用Potplayer播放器可以选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕],可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、手机、早教机等各种设备播放。

《OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes》成为英雄吧英文版,第1/2/3季,全108集,1080P高清视频带英文字幕,百度网盘下载!-可玩星球
《OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes》成为英雄吧英文版,第1/2/3季,全108集,1080P高清视频带英文字幕,百度网盘下载!
英文名称:OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
动画集数:第1-3季 108集
已售 254