《Dinosaur train》恐龙列车英文版,冒险动画,第1/2季全,全132集,1080P高清视频带英文字幕,百度网盘下载!插图


恐龙列车 Dinosaur Train》又名恐龙火车,是由美国PBS电视台针对学龄前儿童推出的一个知识性冒险节目,是Jim Henson公司继《科学小子西德Sid the Science Kid》之后制作的第二部CGI动画片。节目趣味性强,让小朋友在玩乐中了解生命科学,自然学和古生物学。

任职于儿童媒体研究与咨询公司(MediaKidz Research & Consulting)的费雪(Shalom Fisch)表示,学龄前儿童处理信息的能力有限,他们可能对那些直接串连成故事的教育内容比较容易了解。在那样的方式下,故事的情节与课程内容并不会竞争认知的资源。


01 Valley of the Stygimolochs
02 Tiny Loves Fish
03 The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus
04 Triceratops For Lunch
05 Beating The Heat
06 Flowers For Mom
07 I’m a T. Rex!
08 Ned The Quadruped
09 One Smart Dinosaur
10 Petey The Peteinosaurus
11 Fast Friends
12 T. Rex Teeth
13 Now With Feathers!
14 A Frill a Minute
15 One Big Dinosaur
16 Play Date With Annie
17 Armored Like an Ankylosaurus
18 Campout!
19 Laura The Giganotosaurus
20 Dinosaur Poop!
21 Derek The Deinonychus
22 Don’s Dragonfly
23 One Small Dinosaur
24 T. Rex Migration
25 Hootin’ Hadrosaurs
26 Surprise Party
27 The Theropod Club
28 Hatching Party
29 The Old Spinosaurs And The Sea
30 A Spiky Tail Tale
31 Night Train
32 Fossil Fred
33 Dinosaurs in the Snow
34 Cretaceous Conifers
35 The Burrowers
36 Shiny’s Sea Shells
37 King Cryolophosaurus
38 Buddy the Tracker
39 The Old Bird
40 Diamond Don
41 Dinosaur Camouflage
42 Family Scavenger Hunt
43 Have You Heard About the Herd?
44 Jess Hesperornis
45 Triassic Turtle
46 Tank’s Baby Brother
47 Erma Eoraptor
48 Under the Volcano
49 Pteranodon Family World Tour
50 Gilbert the Junior Conductor
51 Confuciusornis Says
52 Tiny’s Tiny Doll
53 Iggy Iguanodom
54 Shiny Can’t Sleep
55 Kenny Kentrosaurus
56 Don and the Troodons
57 New Neighbors
58 Don’s Collection
59 Long Claws
60 Tank’s Sleep Over
61 The Wing Kings
62 The Big Mud Pit
63 Buck-Tooth Bucky
64 Tiny’s Tiny Friend
65 An Armored Tail Tale
66 Pterosaur Flying Club
67 Great Big Stomping Dinosaur Feet!
68 Hornucopia!
69 The Good Mom
70 Diamond Anniversary
71 Elmer Elasmosaurus
72 Dinosaur Block Party
73 Carla Cretoxyrhina
74 Train Trouble
75 The Amazing Michelinoceras Brothers
76 Dads’ Day Out
77 Paulie Pliosaurus
78 Elmer Visits the Desert
79 Junior Conductor Jamboree
80 Troodon Train Day

01 Dinosaur Big City Part 1
02 Dinosaur Big City Part 2
03 Dinosaur Big City Part 3
04 Dinosaur Big City Part 4
05 Haunted Roundhouse
06 Big Pond Pumpkin Patch
07 Stargazing on the Night Train
08 Get Into Nature!
09 Shiny and Snakes
10 Tiny Loves Flowers
11 Buddy Explores The Tyrannosaurs
12 Rainy Day Fight
13 That’s Not A Dinosaur!
14 Tiny’s Garden
15 Don’s Winter Wish
16 Festival of Lights
17 The Earthquake
18 The Nursery Car
19 The Lost Bird
20 The Forest Fire
21 Dry Times at Pteradon Terrace
22 Big Misty Sea Fishing Contest
23 Hurricane at Pteradon Terrace
24 Rafting the Cretaceous
25 Dinos A-Z, Part 1: The Big Idea
26 Dinos A-Z, Part 2: Spread the Word
27 Dinos A-Z, Part 3: Classification
28 Dinos A-Z, Part 4: Picnic
29 Remember the Alamosaurus
30 Sunrise, Sunset
31 A Heck of a Neck
32 Gilbert Visits the Nest
33 An Apatosaurus Adventure
34 Nature Art
35 Arnie Rides the Flatcar
36 Old Reliable
37 Tiny and the Crocodile
38 Meet The Grandparents
39 The Egg Stealer?
40 To The Grandparents’ Nest We Go!
41 Double-Crested Trouble
42 Erma and the Conductor
43 Dome-Headed Dinosaur
44 Treasure Hunt
45 Dinosaur Train Submarine: Otto Opthalmosaurus
46 King Meets Crystal
47 Dinosaur Train Submarine: Shoshana Shonosaurus
48 All Kinds of Families
49 Dinosaur Train Submarine: Maisie Mosasaurus
50 Date Night
51 Dinosaur Train Submarine: A Sea Turtle Tale
52 Rocket Train



可玩星球收录的动画片《恐龙列车 Dinosaur Train》第1季全80集,单集大小820M左右、第2季全52集,一个视频两集,单集大小680G左右。[可以下载后,使用Potplayer播放器可以选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕],可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、手机、早教机等各种设备播放。

《Dinosaur train》恐龙列车英文版,冒险动画,第1/2季全,全132集,1080P高清视频带英文字幕,百度网盘下载!-可玩星球
《Dinosaur train》恐龙列车英文版,冒险动画,第1/2季全,全132集,1080P高清视频带英文字幕,百度网盘下载!
英文名称:Dinosaur Train
动画集数:第1-2季 132集
已售 965